Monday, April 25, 2016

Agree or Disagree?

I have to agree with Jennifer in her blog, self driving cars can very helpful. They can be a great help for those who like you said, don't like to drive and for those who are very adventurous and want to let a computer-control engine be in control of their lives. However there are serious cons to this idea, such as, a problem that this self driving cars have already faced. The problem of swerving into oncoming traffic or running a person over. in a situation like this where a human life is at risk,do you think that a computer or machine has the capacity to make the right decision? Or the decision that we will take in a situation like that? Who would we blame then the car for not knowing better or our selves for letting a computer controlled engine make that decision for us? The idea is great, but there is some serious problems that will stop me from getting one of this cars.

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