Monday, April 25, 2016

Agree or Disagree?

I have to agree with Jennifer in her blog, self driving cars can very helpful. They can be a great help for those who like you said, don't like to drive and for those who are very adventurous and want to let a computer-control engine be in control of their lives. However there are serious cons to this idea, such as, a problem that this self driving cars have already faced. The problem of swerving into oncoming traffic or running a person over. in a situation like this where a human life is at risk,do you think that a computer or machine has the capacity to make the right decision? Or the decision that we will take in a situation like that? Who would we blame then the car for not knowing better or our selves for letting a computer controlled engine make that decision for us? The idea is great, but there is some serious problems that will stop me from getting one of this cars.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

The STAAR, ain't takin us no where!....

Texas needs to stop focusing about things that are not that important and start paying attention to the education they are offering in their K-12 public schools. Texas has a very inefficient education system that will affect us and our future generations if it’s not taken seriously. Texas is currently raked 43 in National Education, very disappointing. Thanks to, Senate Bill 1031, which called for a replacement to the TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills) with the STAAR. STAAR is a more rigorous and intensified end of course assessment that was not a good idea.
Texas education is failing badly. Now, that STAAR is being used, public schools focus more in covering material to pass the test than actually teaching something the students. Students graduation are now graduating with the knowledge that was covered on these test not on a well round education. For this same reason, we are now having students as well as teachers stressing out about passing this test. Due to that, failure to pass one test will keep students from graduating or passing grade.However, how can we expect students to be able to pass these rigorous tests if the tests are being written beyond grade level? Students might know the material, but might not understand how it is written. I don’t believe students should carry the burden of having several test at the end of the year, in which are being written in a superior lever than how was taught.
Finally, the STAAR does not only prevent teachers from teaching other material than the one covered in the test, or test being too hard, this test can prevent students from being accepter to college. These score are looked at when trying to go to college, if the score do not add up then students are more likely to get accepted. It is not fair to measure students’ intelligence on scores test. There could be other reasons why a student might not pass a test, such as, text anxiety maybe. Texas needs to graduate students with a good education, not just material covered in an end of course test, STAAR.