Thursday, February 11, 2016

Going against their OFFICIAL OATH!

The Texas Tribune, released a article called "State Bar Will Investigate Paxton for Conduct After Marriage Ruling." According to this article Attorney General Paxton is being investigated for possible of professional conduct. As it follows to explain, Paxton who already faces three felony charges for claims that he mislead investigators in business dealing he took office is now is being accused for violating his oath. This so because after the ruling that same-sex marriage had been legalized nation wide Paxton issued his opinion in telling the county clerks that if this had any objection with their religious beliefs they could opt issuing same-sex marriage licenses. Even though the original complaint was dismissed by the Chief Disciplinary Counsel's, a group f attorneys to strongly believe that Paxton violated his own official oath to "‘preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States and of this state..." have appealed to the Board of Disciplinary Appeal. It's amazing to read things like this, where people try to find their way to not enforce the law, what is funny to me, is that like this article says, some people go against their oath to stop a law from going through completely. This does not only happen with same-sex marriage, it happened with a lot of cases.


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