Friday, May 13, 2016

Safety on the Drag.

I will have to a agree with my classmate Susie Calderon I her argument, in which she explain how it is not enough to rely o the police to solve the homeless crisis in the Drag.

Just like her I believe that this part of Austin needs more than just 80 officers. Not only because homeless people are pretty much invading the area but because it is close to UT, and we can not let more crimes occur, such as the murder of the student Haruka Weiser. This place is full of students who are at danger.

I also agree that the UT needs to listen to the thousands of parents who are concern about their daughters/son lives. As parents wouldn't you be as well. UT needs to protect their students and make efforts to make this area as safe as possible, looking for other alternatives than implementing more police.

Oh Texas, #1!

We all as Texans brag about how great and amazing Texas is, it might be in some very few thing but not when it comes health care and the state of our children. Texas is ranked # 1 when in comes to percent of population uninsured and non-elderly uninsured, #2 on uninsured children and #7 in children living under poverty. Crazy statistics right!?

This means that most of the about 25.1 million of people who lives in Texas is uninsured. Either because their jobs do not offer them insurance, can't afford it, or because they choose not to pay for I, this needs to stop. Texas needs to wake up and realize that this is not acceptable. Due to the lack of health insurance people do not get checked or are available to seek for help when sick; which may lead to death or serious heath-related illnesses. Drastic measures needs to be taken in place, more jobs should offer health insurance, of some sort, at a decent price where their employees can afford it.

On the other hand, an most importantly are the children. It is very sad that our kids are unsecured and living in poverty. This kids are the future of Texas, and are unattended. This kids need to be able to get medical check ups, to be safe and to have an education. Texas needs to put more money to what matters, such as, making sure that this kids can have and afford a health care , and to have their basic needs (such as food, clothing and shelter).